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Friday, April 24, 2009

American Image National Pageant - Charleston, South Carolina - April 24, 2009

The next day, I got the privilege of timing the interviews and everyone was so good I think it is going to be hard for the judges to decide! It was hard for me not to jump in and ask a question! LaQuetta and I had a couple of hours of free time between helping with interviews and the Denim and Diamonds BBQ. Soooo, what's a girl to do but head out to the outlets?
Boy we shopped until we dropped!
Loving the shoes girls!
The Denim and Diamonds BBQ was nothing short of fun! We had great food and a blast hanging out afterwards!
Sherry is such hot stuff!
She finally gets to take a break by the pool.
Ginny's husband Chris caught us having fun by the pool!

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