The Glory Girls with Old Glory!

Three brances of service flags!

I invited all of the All American Queens to ride along with us on our float.
Stephanie Arnold-Merchant, All American Classic Woman 2009 made it up for the day.

Here are a few photos of us on our wonderful float sponsored by HBO.

Miss Empire Royalty and
Miss Cheshire Outstanding Teen, Taylor Jenette and
Miss Connecticut's Outstanding Teen, Rachel Ramonas.

I love hamming it up and today is no exception! What's more famous than King Kong climbing the Empire State Building?
All American Woman 2009 climbing the Empire State Building! ;-)

My daughter's two favorite movies - Sleeping Beauty and TinkerBell!

Stephanie and I enjoying a treat at the street fair after the parade. (Or should I say - a messy treat?)

This gentleman was so sweet! He was also
very knowledgeable about pageants! He rattled off a lot of Miss America statistics to me. I got a kick out of him and was very happy to take a photo with him!

I was honored to sign this on behalf of
The Glory Girls and myself.
The end of another wonderful day in New York City and all of the royalty you can imagine!
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