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Friday, October 3, 2008

All American Pageant - October 3, 2008 - Community Service

On Friday, in between the All American interviews, I had the honor of helping to stuff "Dang It Dolls" for our Servicewomen and Servicemen.

As you can see by the explanation in the first photo, these dolls are made to help "destress" our troops deployed overseas. You can find out more by clicking here: Dang It Dolls .

Here are some of the beautiful ladies helping to stuff the dolls.

Here's "SPIKE" the original Dang It Doll.

Here's my doll with his 'fro. I kind of liked it! But he is very cute as a Bo-Sox Buddy. However, I wasn't thinking that when I made him, a Yankees fan will probably end up with him and really beat on him!

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