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Sunday, May 26, 2002

Waterbury Memorial Day Parade - The Glory Girls - May 26, 2002

Memorial Day Weekend was incredibly exciting and busy for us! Sunday, we started out in the Waterbury Memorial Day Parade. We also pose with our handiwork! Our sponsors, Durable Companies, loaned a flatbed to us so that we could sing during the parade.

Posing with our new signs!
Our guys - Stacy's Dad, Mike, our friend Joe and Kimberly's beau, David!

Christi's little brother, Bobby and younger sister Julie, both came to the parade. Our Jrs., Carolyn and Chelsea also joined us for the parade. Helicopter Salute!

Stacy's Dad, Mike, drove the lead car decorated with our signs. Kimberly's beau, David, drove the flatbed and their friend Joe came out to help!

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