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Monday, May 27, 2002

Wolcott Memorial Day Parade - The Glory Girls - May 27, 2002

Joined by the Juniors and family members: Front L-R: Bobby & "Patriot" Paul; Middle L-R: Joyce, Chelsea, Tonya, Julie and Rachel; Back L-R: Amanda, Stacy, Kimberly, Carolyn and Christi.

Chelsea in the sequined flag hat!

It was a very large parade and we were very proud to be part of a longstanding tradition! Amanda's Grandfather, Eugene Migliaro, Jr., Commissioner of the Department of Veterans Affairs, was the Grand Marshall.

Morris Memorial Day Parade - The Glory Girls - May 27, 2002

As soon as we finished, we headed north to Morris and participated in the afternoon parade.
After a quick break and lunch, we drove to Wolcott for their parade.

Watertown Memorial Day Parade - The Glory Girls - May 27, 2002

Monday was a little busier for us! We started out in the morning in the Watertown parade.

It was a well attended parade and we were proud to be a part of it.

Sunday, May 26, 2002

Waterbury Memorial Day Parade - The Glory Girls - May 26, 2002

Memorial Day Weekend was incredibly exciting and busy for us! Sunday, we started out in the Waterbury Memorial Day Parade. We also pose with our handiwork! Our sponsors, Durable Companies, loaned a flatbed to us so that we could sing during the parade.

Posing with our new signs!
Our guys - Stacy's Dad, Mike, our friend Joe and Kimberly's beau, David!

Christi's little brother, Bobby and younger sister Julie, both came to the parade. Our Jrs., Carolyn and Chelsea also joined us for the parade. Helicopter Salute!

Stacy's Dad, Mike, drove the lead car decorated with our signs. Kimberly's beau, David, drove the flatbed and their friend Joe came out to help!

Saturday, May 18, 2002

Wolcott View Manor Seniors Show - The Glory Girls May 18, 2002

Saturday, May 18th, we visited the Seniors at Wolcott View Manor for a day of fun. They were great fun......and they enjoyed singing our medleys of hits.
They especially enjoyed the performance by our Jr. Glory Girl, Chelsea.

It was a day of fun for everyone and we hope to be back there soon!

Thursday, May 9, 2002

Norwich Navigators Baseball Game - The Glory Girls - May 9, 2002

We performed the National Anthem at the Norwich Navigators baseball game.
We had a great time and posed with the "Navigator Tater" mascot after we sang. We also had fun clowning around after the game!
L-R: Stacy - Jenn
L-R: Kimberly - Amanda We say goodbye to Tater and Dodd Stadium.