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Saturday, May 29, 2004

Winsted Memorial Day Festivities & Commendations - The Glory Girls - May 29, 2004

Here we are performing on the green in Winsted as part of the Memorial Day weekend festivities.
The Commander presents us with the commendations.
Commendations received on behalf of myself and The Glory Girls after the Memorial Day services on the Winsted green.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Fundraiser and crowning ceremony for Jr. Glory Girl, Carolyn - May 22, 2004

We attended the crowning ceremony for Jr. Glory Girl Carolyn as she was named Nutmeg Teen.

Saturday, May 8, 2004

Judging Mrs. Pennsylvania America - May 8, 2004

I had the honor of judging the Mrs. Pennsylvania America Pageant.
I also had the chance to perform.