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Sunday, November 17, 2002

Rocky Hill Veteran's Day Show - The Glory Girls - November 17, 2002

We're back at the Rocky Hill VA to celebrate Veteran's Day!

My love, my favorite Veteran, Willie watches from the doorway.

Saturday, November 16, 2002

The Dancer's Shop of New Haven - The Glory Girls - November 16, 2002

We stopped in to get new costumes from our great friend, Tom Prete, of The Dancer's Shop in New Haven.

Monday, November 11, 2002

Naugatuck Veterans Day - The Glory Girls - November 11, 2002

We also helped Naugatuck celebrate their Veterans with a parade followed by a ceremony on the green and a performance by us.

Sunday, November 10, 2002

Veteran's Day at Rocky Hill VA - The Glory Girls - November 10, 2002

We celebrated Veteran's Day at Rocky Hill VA on Sunday, November 10th. We were excited to be able to be back there.
Christi, Debbie, Kimberly and Stacy were joined by the Jr. Glory Girls: Carolyn, Chelsea, and Emily.

Christi's little sister, Julie, danced and Tonya, Chelsea's little sister, played Happy Birthday on the violin for the Veterans, which included one that is 99!

Saturday, November 2, 2002

Halloween Is Here...November 2, 2002

We love Halloween! We went to Massachusetts for his brother's party. Some of the costumes there were hilarious. A couple of their friends came as them straight from their honeymoon! We went as "Prison Boy" and "Mixed Up Maneuvers." (I wore desert camo pants, regular camo shirt and PT ARMY shirt!)